Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

The Danger of Smoking

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim,

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Good morning,

Best wishes to all of us,

What I respect The audience and my dear friends

On this good occasion, let us give praise and thanks to the presence of God Almighty, because of His blessings and grace we can gather in this beloved room with a healthy and vigorous in performing our duty as a student. I say thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me to deliver this short speech. The speech I will convey is a speech entitled SMOKING HAZARD, more especially among teenagers and underage children.

It is no secret that many teenagers now smoke cigarettes in their daily lives. Not just teenagers, young children who are not old enough to know such goods and even then now enough to know the goods, even have sucked the item without any fear and think about health in their bodies later. There are also some smokers know the dangers and effects of smoking, but they seem to turn a blind eye to various reasons to keep smoking. Yet they know that cigarettes are very dangerous for health and life in the masses to come.

Father / mother and friends who blessed Allah Swt, cigarette is a killer, slowly cigarette will destroy one by one the cells in our body. Cigarette smoke is scientifically proven to cause more than twenty-five types of diseases. Smoke already contain disease, what about the content that is in the cigarette ?. When we smoke cigarettes, we do not know that many diseases are waiting for us. One of them is lung cancer. The government has regulated legislation on smoking bans, but there are still many who violate the rules, in contrast more and more people who consume cigarettes. These rules seem to be a mere display that is not ignored by the community.

Many of the teenagers admit that they smoke with the excuse to relieve stress when they have problems. There are also those who claim only want to try, want to be said as a real man, and some even claimed to follow only friends. We need to know that cigarette is not a tool as a problem solver. But cigarettes can cause new problems. Like a small sample, there may be some teenagers who secretly smoke in the campus environment. They are looking for a hidden place to smoke. Without them know maybe father / mother already know that they smoke. Because of the physical, we can know which people are smoking and not smoking. Character is the lips look black, body limp, look thin, and more often sleepy.

Father and friends I love. The awareness to smoke or not comes from ourselves. With an open mind and wide insight a person must choose not to smoke. Because they must think about what they will get after smoking, and surely they know what the dangers of smoking. But on the contrary, for people who only think about pleasure, maybe they will not hesitate to smoke. Though the dangers that will arise bias deadly their own.

Let us jointly avoid smoking in our lives. Do not let the small stuff that causes many diseases to touch and penetrate the skin of our lives, we must add insight into the impact and what can be caused by the cigarette. And we also at least can prevent the use of cigarettes around us.

Such is the speech I can convey. Hopefully this speech can be beneficial to the listener and hopefully the teacher and friends can take lessons and wisdom from the speech that I conveyed. Let's live without knowing cigarettes.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

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